Kattegat Centre

Location: Kattegat Centre (Kattegatcenteret)

Dates: 25 November 2014 – 27 March 2015

Description: The next host city was Grenå (population 14.601) and the location was the Kattegat Centre that has a shark aquarium. This was the only city on the eastern coast of Denmark, which is less affected by marine litter. 2 school classes were invited to the opening as well as the mayor. KIMO Denmark made a presentation for the classes and gave them a guided tour of the MARLSICO exhibition.  The exhibition was announced in local press, the municipal webpage as well as a poster campaign. All ages visit the centre, with many families, groups and schools. There are possibilities to sleep at the centre and go behind the scenes with the biologists. There were 19.000 visitors during the time that the MARLISCO exhibition was hosted by the Kattegat Centre.

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