SAVEMEDCOASTS series of key actors interviews: Dr Costas Hadjipanayiotou, Director, Department of the Environment, Cyprus

ISOTECH’s Director, Xenia I. Loizidou, interviewed Dr Costas Hadjipanayiotou, Director of the Department of Environment, Cyprus on the issue of sea level rise in Cyprus, within the series of specifically structured interviews with targeted key stakeholders in Cyprus, Greece and Italy that is implemented by ISOTECH as part of the SAVEMEDCOASTS “Sea level rise scenarios along Mediterranean coasts” Project.
Dr Hadjipanayiotou provided important insights, highlighting the need to incorporate SLR as a design parameter for coastal infrastructure and the urgency of field data in order to assess the magnitude of the phenomenon in Cyprus. He mentioned among others: “It is high time we deal with Sea Level Rise. We need to know more on the phenomenon. Systematic field measurements are needed”.