Since 1991, ISOTECH Ltd Environmental Research and Consultancy has evolved into one of the leading environmental companies in Cyprus. The firm has a dynamic involvement in environmental consulting and applied environmental research.

Applied Environmental Research Department

ISOTECH ltd is a research SME, with 15 experience in environmental applied research, coastal and marine dynamics, decision support. Read more here.

Environmental Engineering Department

Engineering solutions to environmental problems. Read more here.

Coastal Engineering/Marine Dynamics Department

Engineering solutions and implementable structures in coastal and marine dynamic environments. Read more here.

Projects and Programs Management Department

20 years of experience in managing local and internationally funded projects. Read more here.


Recent Works

Recent News

Cyprus Participates in a New Major Project to Combat Desertification in Rural Areas of Southern Europe and Northern Africa

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  • Posted by isotech

A new European project, TERRASAFE, brings together eleven European and one North African country to tackle the increasing threat of desertification in rural areas of Cyprus,…

The SEALIVE Brokerage Event navigated the bioplastic horizon!

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  • Posted by isotech

The SEALIVE Project concluded its journey with its Final Brokerage Event on March 7th, 2024, in Valencia, Spain, organized by the Cypriot environmental research and…

SEALIVE Bioplastics Training organized by Isotech Ltd!

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  • Posted by isotech

Interested in combating plastic pollution and climate change in the fishing industry? Look no further! Join Isotech Ltd for an engaging SEALIVE Project online training…