Our SEALIVE Knowledge Transfer Events are gaining attention!

ISOTECH’s LTD and AKTI’s SEALIVE project is gaining significant exposure!
In Croatia, Greece, and Montenegro, Cypriot researchers from AKTI Project and Research Centre and ISOTECH Ltd successfully conducted knowledge transfer events related to bioplastics as part of the research project “SEALIVE.”
Both international and local media, along with reports from foreign channels, are highlighting AKTI’s and ISOTECH’s LTD presence at the “Closed Cycles and the Circular Society 2023: The Power of Ecological Engineering” conference organized by the International Ecological Engineering Society (IEES) in Crete, Chania. AKTI and ISOTECH LTD organized the SEALIVE knowledge transfer event as part of the conference.
You can access the media coverage through the links provided below:
Συνέδριο της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Οικολογικής Μηχανικής στα Χανιά – Νέα TV
Στο επίκεντρο του συνεδρίου CC23 τα βιώσιμα συστήματα επεξεργασίας αποβλήτων – Crete TV
The coverage underscores the innovative approach of the SEALIVE project and the fact that Cypriot scientists are gaining significant exposure for their successful sharing of knowledge and technology to advance sustainability on the international stage.