
DeCyDe-for-Marlisco: 13 February 2013 the experts and stakeholders workshop in Cyprus

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  • Category: News

DeCyDe-for-Marlisco will be implemented for the evaluation of the best practices for marine litter management, during a dedicated structured workshop, which will be held in Cyprus, in ISOTECH head office in Nicosia the 13th of February 2013. 12 selected experts and stakeholders have been invited and accepted to participate through an expert representative in this first inmplementation of DeCyDe-for-Marlisco descision support tool: the Union of Cyprus Municipalities, the Environmental Department, the Cyprus Tourism Organisiation, the Fisheries Department, the Cyprus Ports Authority, the Department of Merchent Shipping and three NGOs which are much involved in marine and coastal environment: CYMEPA, AKTI and Enalia Phsysis. ISOTECH ltd will be the facilitator/ coordinator of the process and member of the decision group.