SEALIVE Bioplastics Training organized by Isotech Ltd!

Interested in combating plastic pollution and climate change in the fishing industry? Look no further! Join Isotech Ltd for an engaging SEALIVE Project online training session.
Mark your calendars for March 28, 9:30-11:00 Irish time, where we’ll:
- Explore critical issues surrounding plastics and plastic pollution.
- Dive into waste management strategies, circular economy principles, and their relevance to the fishing sector.
- Discover SEALIVE’s innovative bio-based products and their practical applications.
- Engage in interactive discussions to deepen understanding and foster collaboration.
Certificates of attendance provided. For further inquiries, contact
More information:
The SEALIVE (Strategies of circular economy and advanced biobased solutions to keep our lands and seas alive from plastics contamination) project is a Research and Innovation Project funded by the European Union through Horizon 2020 (under grant agreement No 862910). The project involves 28 partners from 13 different countries. More information about the project is available at
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