The scope of the DG Environment funded project IRIS-SES ‘ Integrated Regional monitoring Implementation Strategy in the South European Seas’ is to develop a new concept and decision making tools for integrated environmental monitoring for the MFSD and other environmental legislation to support the management of human activities and their effects in EU marine waters.
ISOTECH Ltd has developed the DeCyDe-4-IRIS tool to:
- support the process of decision making on how to improve the performance of the parameters that will be monitored, in order to achieve GES
- serve as a key actors’ and stakeholders’ involvement tool, through the structured experts and key actors workshops.
- support IRIS’s aim for sustainability of achievements, providing with a decision support method and the tools for experts and key actors engagement, that will remain in operation and be part of the monitoring process, after the end of the project.
The DeCyDe-4-IRIS method has been developed for two descriptors (5 and 8/9), and was implemented in two pilot areas.