The Portuguese MARLISCO partner, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL), was responsible for the construction of the Exhibition and its journey throughout Portugal. Over the duration of the project, the Exhibition travelled to 15 locations on mainland Portugal and an additional three locations on the Azores.

In addition to the basic elements of the Exhibition, FCT-UNL’s Exhibition also included:

  • Water column with the distribution of marine litter
  • Barrel with sand and microplastics
  • Exhibition of marine litter
  • Demonstration of several types of plastics and microplastics
  • Photos showing examples of the impacts of marine litter in marine life
  • Demonstration of cigarette butts and swabs, two of the most common items of litter found in Portuguese beaches
  • Two games: one about the origins of marine litter and another one about the time of degradation of some items.

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